Thursday 7 January 2010

Day One Hundred - New York, New York

Yay, we finally made it to Day 100!!!! I'm so excited, even if it took a little longer to get there than it should have. This blog is clearly dedicated to my adoration for shoes and my collection which has just grown and grown over the years. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm completely obsessed with high heels and love my shoes dearly. When you're having a 'fat day' and the whole world feels like crap, for me, slipping on a pair of my favourite heels instantly makes me feel better. Shoes can not only transform an entire outfit but make you walk taller, feel slimmer and sexier. I hope this blog has in some way inspired or made you feel happy. I'll leave you with two of my favourite quotes from Marilyn Monroe "I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot!", "Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world". I couldn't have said it better myself, here's to the next 100 pairs!

Black patent court shoes with New York skyline by Irregular Choice


  1. Hi sweetie,whoa these are amazing I love, bust start following you so I don'T MISS OUT!Check out shoe art over @ My Passport to Style if you get a mo! Sharon xx

  2. Thank you and thanks for commenting, there are plenty more fabulous shoes to come!


Thank you for your shoeaholic love!!

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